Encouraging School students in Norwich to celebrate through song.
The Norwich 2040 LCEP are excited to be announcing our next project: City Voices. School students across Norfolk and Norwich are being invited to celebrate Norwich via the medium of song. The song will be composed from previous Postcard Poems lyrics and be performed at a date in June (TBC). keep following #CityVoices on social media for regular updates.
If your organisation or school is interested in being involved please email emily@youngnorfolkarts.org for more details
As part of this project we are on the look out for a composer, please see details below:
Composer Callout
The Norwich 2040 LCEP are looking for a composer aged 16 – 30 to create a song to be an integral part of a city wide music project following on from the success of their previous projects, FigurineItOut and Postcard Poems
The song will be performed live at a performance by school children in June, then with further opportunities for the song to be promoted online and alongside a city wide exhibition of the second iteration of FigurineItOut and Postcard Poems
The Brief:
Taking inspiration from existing Poems created by school children (these will be provided by the LCEP) we are looking for a City Voices song containing 3 verses, a repeated chorus and two bridge sections (this should be an inclusive bridge section, e.g rap, body percussion) and lasting for a duration of 3 – 3 ½ minutes. The song should combine unison sections with sections that are in multiple parts.This would be written with children’s voices in mind should reflect themes of celebration and consider that children will be learning it. The composer will work closely with the LCEP members throughout the process with the end product being a backing track with the chorus containing lyrics from the pre-selected poems. The song would need to be completed by the 14th May.
Fee for the successful applicant: £750 inclusive of all taxes and expenses.
How to apply:
Please submit an example of your work that we could listen to alongside an expression of interest (500 words) outlining any relevant experience and why you would like to be involved in this project to the Norwich 2040 LCEP Coordinator Emily, emily@youngnorfolkarts.org by Wednesday 5th April.
Please email emily@youngnorfolkarts.org if you have any questions. Applications will be reviewed by members of the Norwich 2040 LCEP.
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